Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is a Blog?

It's just something random that popped up in my mind.

Some people use their blogs as a place to rant, rave and express all their negative emotions (i.e. ke-tidakpuashati-an)...

Some people use their blogs as a diary, making known to the virtual world what they've done in the past few days.

Some people use their blogs to write about interesting stuff they have come across, and usually these posts are peppered with a lot of photos (either self-taken or copied from another website)

Also, there are 'otakus' (the term here is non-derogatory, in fact it's more of an admiring tone) who post reviews of anime, songs, movies, games and more so that people can read them and decide whether to get the CD/DVD they have been eyeing for some time~

Well, I don't have a tracking device that counts how many visitors who have visited my blog, nor do I know where my readers come from ^_^ The only way I can find out is when they leave a comment on my post or shout in my chatbox. Still, I try to keep my blog as non-offensive as possible, and I also try to make sure that it can be understood by people from all around the world --> it means using standardised English or providing translation for local slang we commonly use.

And if anyone has noticed one of my status updates in Facebook, it says:

It's 'DO you agree', not 'ARE you agree'. And it's 'MU might LOSE the match tonight ', not 'MU might LOOSE the match tonight'. 'YOU'RE sexy', not 'YOUR sexy'. =.="

Those are just some of the common errors in English that bug me ^^ That, and spelling errors too.

P.S: I'm currently reading 'The Lost Symbol' by Dan Brown. It's an addictive read, and I can't help but be fascinated by all the symbols, myths and legends contained in the story. For one, it proves that the writer respects his readers and makes the effort to research deep and seriously into what he's writing =)

P.S. 2: My blog would be a combination of those mentioned above, no?


EvA said...

I actually use my blog for a bunch of things. Mostly updates on my life, sometimes anime/music reviews, fangirling on hot guys (lol!), ranting, and a lot more. I try to keep my rants to minimal. In a sense that i don't expose too much detail on who i'm ranting on. Like you'll never know who actually stops by your blog. One of my lecturers actually said that he stumbled upon his student's blog. Lol. xD

Haha and i have the same problem too. When people mistaken "you're" and "your" or "they're" and "their". Or when some people have weird English and they think they're so good at it. That annoys the hell out of me. D:

yukina-rei said...

Owh I see :DD I think my blog is almost the same as yours, though lately when I rant I say the name straight out (it helps that the lecturer doesn't have an internet connection, nor does he have a car, or god forbid, a mobile phone!). But yea, since I'm in a language course, some of my lecturers will stalk around the internet trying to find our blogs xDD

Yeah, it gets irritating after a while, especially when they speak with a British/American accent and still make all those mistakes =.="