Sunday, November 29, 2009

A Lesson I Have Yet to Learn...

I'm not an aggressive person. Most of the time. What I mean is, I don't strike out and hurt people deliberately in most circumstances, preferring to avoid conflict and confrontations.

I thought that was good enough, until my father told me otherwise. In brief, I had an argument with my sister last Saturday, which involved some pretty harsh name-calling and words. When I went back to Penang on Sunday, he did not reprimand me straight, but asked me why I acted that way. When I told him that my sister started it with a rude message, he agreed that my sister was at fault.

Sounds okay? Wait..

Then, he said I was also at fault, although I wasn't the one who started the argument, because I replied in an equally rude manner. According to him, I should have just kept my cool and be forgiving.

The point here is, I'm the type of person who will pay someone back 100 times if and when I'm offended. For example, take Babi and I. I dislike anything and everything related to him, and I often talk bad about him in front of others - name calling, insulting, and so on until everyone now knows him as Babi. It might be cruel, but I feel that I'm just taking revenge on everything he did since Reaching for the Stars until now.

To put it simply, I can't help retaliating when someone does something bad to me, and I don't care about the consequences, focusing on how to hurt the offender as much as possible. The above is just one example out of many. Maybe my father is right, and I would be a better person if I do not hurt others like they have hurt me.

Anyhow, there's a Chinese proverb that says, do not upon others something you wouldn't want people to do to you. If I don't like what that person has done to me, I probably should not do the same thing back to that person.

However, to achieve this, I would certainly need a lot of patience, kindness and develop the ability to forgive - that's a long way to go, and I'm not sure whether I should go that way. In the meantime, Babi is still Babi, and I still hate him and his moronic attitude.

*evil smirk*

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