The most recent 'idiotic' task I took up was to agree to become the sub-editor of the Voice of IPBA...since Madam Ooi asked me so nicely, I found it hard to reject her ^_^" The Chief Editor, Angeline is a KPLI trainee, and she's currently doing her practicum, so I'm the one in charge...for now~ It's hard work assembling the editorial board, simply because people keep saying 'no', or some who list their names might pull out at the last minute. To talk about busyness, everyone has their own commitments and stuff, so it's not really an excuse to give :o
To lay the pavement for my proposal for Music Society, I went to Mr Mano with the idea of having a Music Corner - something similar to Speaker's Corner, but with music being the main focus instead. The kind fellow agreed to lend us this platform, so 4 of us from B.Ed TESL Cohort 2, Cycle 3, namely Alif, Syafiq, Daniel and I (the former three after much persuasion) became the pioneers for this event.
Ahem...history was made on the 6th of August, 2009 in IPGM-KBA as the first ever Music Corner was held. We didn't do much promotion, so only those who were in the canteen had the good fortune to witness our performance :D Our classmates were really supportive - they even came up with a simple banner with our names on it, and all of them sat in the 'front rows' (if you can call canteen tables that)...I love you guys, really!
If nothing goes wrong, the Music Corner will be held again next Thursday, same venue, at 11.oo am. I've already found some juniors who can and are willing to sing, so be prepared for some entertainment along with your breakfast or brunch :D
The next project I have is Malam Kebudayaan, or else known as cultural night. I have a group of committee members dedicated to this project, but currently we are discussing whether to merge with the other two excos (Sukan and Kerjaya) and hold a bigger event similar to a Carnival Day instead :p Now, we already thought up a script, just to make it funnier so that the audience will not fall asleep ^^
Oh, and the Music Society is still on the way. Seems like the KJ for Social Science, Tn Haji Kamar has agreed to give his full support to my proposal, because the lecturers under him asked me to meet him next Monday with the working paper and explain it to him. Hopefully, next week will also be the M3P meeting so that this society can be approved as soon as possible. Weirdly, things like this take a long time to approve, probably because of Dr Sofi's motto of 'wait until the meeting to discuss this' >_<
Seems like the H1N1 flu is getting worse and worse. More people are dying because of the flu, and even more people are quarantined. In IPGM-KBA, there are no positive cases yet, but we have to wait until tomorrow to be sure :o Although I'm not a person of religion, let's pray together that a vaccine or cure for this disease can be found as soon as possible.
And just to share my thoughts with you - even if you are a senior, there's nothing wrong with smiling and greeting your juniors~ I do that all the time, and people give positive responses. However, I met one senior that has her head high up in the air every time she passes by - I wonder if she's think that she's too high-and-mighty, too beautiful (like, huh?), or simply just above the levels of us common people. I've heard her calling herself 'Diva' before, but frankly, the makcik who sapu sampah at tower block is better than her - at least she has the courtesy to return a smile and greeting. I even smile and nod at the Afghanistans who are on a course in my college, and despite the language barrier, they do respond.
To conclude, smiling is the fastest way to communicate effectively and positively. So, smile!

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