I didn't think that it was entirely impossible, but it seemed so last night.
IPGM-KBA's director, Dr Sofi's birthday falls on the 15th of July. I remembered celebrating it with the rest of my batch last year during our orientation week, so as one of the Student Council members, I thought I might do it again. That was 4 days ago.
Then, it turned out that on the 15th of July, Dr Sofi was away at a meeting, and I thought my plans had to be cancelled. After referring to my 'boss' Madjack, he advised me to carry my plans out during the closing ceremony of the July 2009 intake, whose orientation week just finished :) That was 2 days ago.
Yesterday, I met up with the lecturer in charge of the closing ceremony, Madam Norhazian, and my "deputy boss", Faruq had already told her the celebration plan. She asked me to make a special performance on the violin, and halfway throughout my performance, they will switch off the lights, and after which I will start playing the birthday song. That's an ingenious idea, as it provides a pleasant surprise in disguise~ So, I agreed.
The problem: No birthday cakes were included in her plan, neither were flowers and the rest.
So yesterday night, I suddenly remembered that we actually have to buy a cake in order to have one for the celebration. That was around 11pm - all the shops were already closed by then :x And the next morning would be the celebration...
hurm. And I had to practise the special performance with my guest guitarist, Awie, and brief him the details about the surprise and all...
After discussing the situation with Madjack again, we agreed to buy all the necessary stuff the next morning. Now, there's the problem with the money. In the end, we collected RM0.50 - RM1.00 from each of the new students for our funds. So, we went to the main hall, where the Muslim juniors just finished their religious activities, and collected their money right there. The whole activity ended at 2am, and I slept at 2.34 am Z.z
Woke up at 7.00 am, prepared all my stuff and went to the main hall at 8.05 am. Then, I received a text message telling me to bring along the money collected from the students. Headed back to the hostel.
8.15 am, reached the main hall for the second time, just right on time to explain my duties and functions as the exco for culture and arts. Did a really short speech, forgot to introduce my assistant and secretary =x
9.15 am, departed from college and went to Bangsar to search for the things we need.
9.30 am Found ready-made cakes at Berry's Cake House. Bought 2 cakes there, one for Dr Sofi and another for the juniors whose birthday falls on this week.
10.00 am Searched for flowers at the morning market in Bangsar. Found pretty roses in the 2nd stall we went to, 3 stalks of roses, 1 stalk of berries and 3 stalks of furries made a nice bouquet :D
10.15 am Bought the confetti and birthday card at the nearest available bookstore.
10.30 am Arrived back in college. Briefed the juniors in charge of bringing out the cake and handing over the flowers. Finished my brunch amidst several interruptions in the form of my duties of briefing those who had to handle these stuff.
11.00 am Start of the closing ceremony.
11.50 am Performed with Awie on stage with the pretext of welcoming the juniors to this institute.
11.52 am Lights off. Birthday song~
The rest that happened after that was history. I was glad to see the surprised smile on Dr Sofi's face when I started to play the birthday song though :D Being able to put a smile on someone's face is a really fun thing to do :)
To conclude everything, when there's a will, there's a way :p We were happy, Dr Sofi was happy. End of story~
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
Weird name for a post, I know :)
My friends said I've changed since some time around the end of last semester. According to them, I've become more particular about my appearance (like, since when have I actually cared whether my shirt matches my pants?) Before this, I used to wear any clothes that can cover my body, I mean, that's the main purpose of clothes, right?
Next, they say that I speak more Malay recently. Even from my own observations, I really speak more Malay now ^_^ When I first came into IPBA, I used to speak English with all the budak TESL, and a mixture of English and Malay with the others. Now, I speak Malay with almost everyone except for my Chinese friends.
I used to be an anime freak, self-labeled otaku, and I drool over anything related to anime or manga, even spending over RM150+ for an art book. Now, I care about anime and manga just for the sake of its art...as graphic designing is still my hobby, and I can get really good ideas from this form of Japanese art.
My friends who know me from secondary school will be shocked to know that I'm actually listening to songs in English, Malay and Chinese now. They used to tease me mercilessly that my songs folder contain 90% Japanese music, 8% classical music and 2% of songs in other languages. Now, I love music from Green Day, Avenged Sevenfold, Blink 182, Jay Chou, JJ Lim and more, a big difference from what I'm used to.
Sometimes I wonder, why have I changed?
Is it because I've grown up and become more mature?
Is it because I was influenced by other people around me?
Somehow, I feel that the answer is more to the latter...since handling a particular event last semester, I've realised that the world is not only limited to what I'm used to , but it is formed by different people with different backgrounds and different personalities. Having to work with other people, to ask for permission and to endure tyrannical behaviour from a particular lecturer forced me to learn that things do not always happen the way you want it to.
Still, I'm grateful for the experience...through the event, I got to know many musicians who are as spirited in music as I am. From chords to composing music to harmony to synchronisation, I've indeed gained a lot of knowledge. Also through this event, I managed to recruit two great guitarists for my future band in Canterbury, both with their specialties. In fact, I regularly exchange text messages with one of them, who managed to stump me with all the questions about music he asked me, and impressed me with his knowledge of music, especially when considering that he has not received formal music education before. Go Cocuphy!!! :p
One of my biggest faults was that I tend to develop a crush on someone very easily and quickly, and the feeling will disappear just as quickly. I'm not afraid to admit that I've done the same thing in college before, but I've already lost any romantic interest I might have had for that person. Now, I just hope that the person is not offended by all the stupid gossip, for it was my fault that I acted improperly, and I have the feeling that we are uncomfortable in each other's presence. Still, I need his help in the Merchant of Venice play and the Music Society, and I don't want to be like strangers when we once worked together and made an event a success. I have only myself to blame that I revealed my feelings to some of my friends, not knowing that one of them is the kind who wants just the guy that other people are interested in. Well, I don't need to continue the story ^_^"
At least, one positive thing about myself is that I will never be interested in people who are already unavailable, i.e. who have girlfriends or boyfriends at the moment; or those whose my friends are interested in >_<
Now, the idea to form a Music Society is going on quite okay...as opposed to really well or impossible :) I got the assurance from Madam Satinah (our deputy director), Tn Haji Kamar (the Head of the Social Studies department), Mr Baseni (Head of GERKO), Mr Baharudin (ex-head of GERKO) and Madam Khalijah (a music lecturer) that they will fully support this proposal. The only problem is with Tn Syed - as I'm worried that he might use his principle of 'girls only' for the usage of the music room :( Besides, I have to wait until the next meeting on the 27th of July for them to formally approve this proposal in a meeting, unless Mr Baseni has the power to allow us to operate before that by signing my letter of request to use the music room. My impatience is killing me...*facepalms*
Practice also has been going on every night for the Merchant of Venice. Since I'm in charge for the music section, I need to compose more songs and decide which to use for which scene. Now, I still need to come out with a nice waltz for one particular scene. Oh, and if anyone who knows them are reading this, extend my thanks to the 3 guitarists from 3 Missed Calls - hengget, awie and rahman for agreeing to help us out :D We really appreciate it~ I still need an extra musician...any volunteers? :p
Oh, and just for fun, this is the logo I designed for 3 Missed Calls~ I just hope that I can join in the show next time :D any comments or advice will be greatly appreciated~

P.S: If anyone wants me to design a logo for them, just drop me a note - I will do it for free if I know you...huhuh :p
My friends said I've changed since some time around the end of last semester. According to them, I've become more particular about my appearance (like, since when have I actually cared whether my shirt matches my pants?) Before this, I used to wear any clothes that can cover my body, I mean, that's the main purpose of clothes, right?
Next, they say that I speak more Malay recently. Even from my own observations, I really speak more Malay now ^_^ When I first came into IPBA, I used to speak English with all the budak TESL, and a mixture of English and Malay with the others. Now, I speak Malay with almost everyone except for my Chinese friends.
I used to be an anime freak, self-labeled otaku, and I drool over anything related to anime or manga, even spending over RM150+ for an art book. Now, I care about anime and manga just for the sake of its art...as graphic designing is still my hobby, and I can get really good ideas from this form of Japanese art.
My friends who know me from secondary school will be shocked to know that I'm actually listening to songs in English, Malay and Chinese now. They used to tease me mercilessly that my songs folder contain 90% Japanese music, 8% classical music and 2% of songs in other languages. Now, I love music from Green Day, Avenged Sevenfold, Blink 182, Jay Chou, JJ Lim and more, a big difference from what I'm used to.
Sometimes I wonder, why have I changed?
Is it because I've grown up and become more mature?
Is it because I was influenced by other people around me?
Somehow, I feel that the answer is more to the latter...since handling a particular event last semester, I've realised that the world is not only limited to what I'm used to , but it is formed by different people with different backgrounds and different personalities. Having to work with other people, to ask for permission and to endure tyrannical behaviour from a particular lecturer forced me to learn that things do not always happen the way you want it to.
Still, I'm grateful for the experience...through the event, I got to know many musicians who are as spirited in music as I am. From chords to composing music to harmony to synchronisation, I've indeed gained a lot of knowledge. Also through this event, I managed to recruit two great guitarists for my future band in Canterbury, both with their specialties. In fact, I regularly exchange text messages with one of them, who managed to stump me with all the questions about music he asked me, and impressed me with his knowledge of music, especially when considering that he has not received formal music education before. Go Cocuphy!!! :p
One of my biggest faults was that I tend to develop a crush on someone very easily and quickly, and the feeling will disappear just as quickly. I'm not afraid to admit that I've done the same thing in college before, but I've already lost any romantic interest I might have had for that person. Now, I just hope that the person is not offended by all the stupid gossip, for it was my fault that I acted improperly, and I have the feeling that we are uncomfortable in each other's presence. Still, I need his help in the Merchant of Venice play and the Music Society, and I don't want to be like strangers when we once worked together and made an event a success. I have only myself to blame that I revealed my feelings to some of my friends, not knowing that one of them is the kind who wants just the guy that other people are interested in. Well, I don't need to continue the story ^_^"
At least, one positive thing about myself is that I will never be interested in people who are already unavailable, i.e. who have girlfriends or boyfriends at the moment; or those whose my friends are interested in >_<
Now, the idea to form a Music Society is going on quite okay...as opposed to really well or impossible :) I got the assurance from Madam Satinah (our deputy director), Tn Haji Kamar (the Head of the Social Studies department), Mr Baseni (Head of GERKO), Mr Baharudin (ex-head of GERKO) and Madam Khalijah (a music lecturer) that they will fully support this proposal. The only problem is with Tn Syed - as I'm worried that he might use his principle of 'girls only' for the usage of the music room :( Besides, I have to wait until the next meeting on the 27th of July for them to formally approve this proposal in a meeting, unless Mr Baseni has the power to allow us to operate before that by signing my letter of request to use the music room. My impatience is killing me...*facepalms*
Practice also has been going on every night for the Merchant of Venice. Since I'm in charge for the music section, I need to compose more songs and decide which to use for which scene. Now, I still need to come out with a nice waltz for one particular scene. Oh, and if anyone who knows them are reading this, extend my thanks to the 3 guitarists from 3 Missed Calls - hengget, awie and rahman for agreeing to help us out :D We really appreciate it~ I still need an extra musician...any volunteers? :p
Oh, and just for fun, this is the logo I designed for 3 Missed Calls~ I just hope that I can join in the show next time :D any comments or advice will be greatly appreciated~

P.S: If anyone wants me to design a logo for them, just drop me a note - I will do it for free if I know you...huhuh :p
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Long time no see, my blog
Well, to talk about my blog being one of my memorial storage (yes, I have a tendency to forget things that have happened, even if they were just a few weeks ago)...
So, to sum up what I did from 5th June (my last post) until now:
From the 15th to 19th of June, I went for a personal SBE (School Based Experience) kinda thing in SJK (C) Chong Cheng, Penang. Actually, the school was lacking in teachers, because a few of the KPLI students who were doing their practicum there had to attend a course for three weeks, so I went to replace one of them.
As for how I got the job, well, my mom is a teacher there. Does that explain everything? Of course, I don't work for free - within 5 days, I earned RM200, which is almost equivalent to half of my monthly allowance =D
In the school, I taught only one class in standard 2, taking the place of their homeroom teacher. That also means that I taught all subjects they have to learn except for Malay, English and Music. I'm surprised by the number of subjects these students have to learn though - the number seemed massive compared to my primary school years, which were just 6 years ago. No wonder all the students carried huge bags =( Other than the 3 subjects previously mentioned, I had to teach (and they had to learn) Mandarin, Science in Mandarin, Science in English, Maths in Mandarin, Maths in English, Arts and Physical Education. This school being a Chinese school had something to do with the number of subjects, since Maths and Science were doubled~
Anyway, it was a great experience teaching in primary school. Firstly, the kids are only 8 years old, and you don't need to think much to understand them. They are just as transparent as a piece of plastic~ Next, the kids are just absolutely cute < 3 And the subjects are easy to teach too~ The only downside of kids is their loud voices and tendency to tell you just about EVERYTHING they see, hear or feel. I couldn't get past 5 minutes without someone running out and telling me, "Teacher, he is not doing his homework!", "Teacher, she is drawing something on my book!", "Teacher, today is my sister's birthday!" and so on ^_^"
A photo of 1/5 of my class :D Check my facebook photos to see the rest of the class~
On the 21st of June, I came back to college in the morning with a bus, went to KLCC in the afternoon and attended a Student Council meeting at night. Yes, my life is busy =D At the meeting, all MPPs were informed that we had to handle the KPLI orientation for the whole week. It was kinda great news to me, because handling orientation = legally missing classes ^_^
The special characteristic of this KPLI group was that after they graduate in a year, they will be sent to the extremely rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak, and that means a lot. Anyway, the orientation week went by with few glitches, and I started going back to classes on Saturday. On Sunday, we received the Student Council representatives from IPGM KPM (Kampus Perempuan Melayu Melaka) or Malacca's Malay Girls Campus. They had a number of 36, a big number compared to our newly formed council of about 14 :D Managed to share my experience and ideas with their Cultural Exco though ^_^ and now I have a lot of plans...the only problem is to realise it~ For starters, ubi kayu + kelapa + gula + garam during the Merdeka celebration, anyone?
The last highlight of this post is my mock exam results...during the orientation week, all of my friends got to know their marks for all the subjects. For me, I just knew my Social Studies marks through Sam, as Madam Carol read out all the marks for the class to hear. I got 87, and it seemed like I was the top scorer in this subject~ Then, I was quite eager to know my English Studies (Literature) marks, mainly because this subject was a killer to all of us (hint: deathly unseen poem). However, nobody knew my marks, and they just told me that only one person in the whole cohort managed to score an A (more than 80 marks) for English Studies. That increased my anxiety all right ^_^"
The next week, I checked my marks with Miss Pat, who had the list of all our marks. Imagine my surprise and joy when I found out that I was the one who got an A for ES :p and this made me the only one in my cohort to achieve a 4 flat grade, as my marks are as follows:
English Studies: 82
Social Studies: 87
Language Development: 89
Language Description: 96
The last one was totally unexpected, as I finished the paper in about 30 minutes and was quite lazy to check my answers :3 Anyway, I consider myself lucky rather than intelligent to get these marks :D Hopefully being in the Student Council won't affect my marks too much~
Lastly, I'm now rallying to form a Music Society in IPBA, so that we can have legal reason to use the instruments in the music room - not just any music room, but TN SYED's MUSIC ROOM!!! :p Please support me, pals~
So, to sum up what I did from 5th June (my last post) until now:
From the 15th to 19th of June, I went for a personal SBE (School Based Experience) kinda thing in SJK (C) Chong Cheng, Penang. Actually, the school was lacking in teachers, because a few of the KPLI students who were doing their practicum there had to attend a course for three weeks, so I went to replace one of them.
As for how I got the job, well, my mom is a teacher there. Does that explain everything? Of course, I don't work for free - within 5 days, I earned RM200, which is almost equivalent to half of my monthly allowance =D
In the school, I taught only one class in standard 2, taking the place of their homeroom teacher. That also means that I taught all subjects they have to learn except for Malay, English and Music. I'm surprised by the number of subjects these students have to learn though - the number seemed massive compared to my primary school years, which were just 6 years ago. No wonder all the students carried huge bags =( Other than the 3 subjects previously mentioned, I had to teach (and they had to learn) Mandarin, Science in Mandarin, Science in English, Maths in Mandarin, Maths in English, Arts and Physical Education. This school being a Chinese school had something to do with the number of subjects, since Maths and Science were doubled~
Anyway, it was a great experience teaching in primary school. Firstly, the kids are only 8 years old, and you don't need to think much to understand them. They are just as transparent as a piece of plastic~ Next, the kids are just absolutely cute < 3 And the subjects are easy to teach too~ The only downside of kids is their loud voices and tendency to tell you just about EVERYTHING they see, hear or feel. I couldn't get past 5 minutes without someone running out and telling me, "Teacher, he is not doing his homework!", "Teacher, she is drawing something on my book!", "Teacher, today is my sister's birthday!" and so on ^_^"
On the 21st of June, I came back to college in the morning with a bus, went to KLCC in the afternoon and attended a Student Council meeting at night. Yes, my life is busy =D At the meeting, all MPPs were informed that we had to handle the KPLI orientation for the whole week. It was kinda great news to me, because handling orientation = legally missing classes ^_^
The special characteristic of this KPLI group was that after they graduate in a year, they will be sent to the extremely rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak, and that means a lot. Anyway, the orientation week went by with few glitches, and I started going back to classes on Saturday. On Sunday, we received the Student Council representatives from IPGM KPM (Kampus Perempuan Melayu Melaka) or Malacca's Malay Girls Campus. They had a number of 36, a big number compared to our newly formed council of about 14 :D Managed to share my experience and ideas with their Cultural Exco though ^_^ and now I have a lot of plans...the only problem is to realise it~ For starters, ubi kayu + kelapa + gula + garam during the Merdeka celebration, anyone?
The last highlight of this post is my mock exam results...during the orientation week, all of my friends got to know their marks for all the subjects. For me, I just knew my Social Studies marks through Sam, as Madam Carol read out all the marks for the class to hear. I got 87, and it seemed like I was the top scorer in this subject~ Then, I was quite eager to know my English Studies (Literature) marks, mainly because this subject was a killer to all of us (hint: deathly unseen poem). However, nobody knew my marks, and they just told me that only one person in the whole cohort managed to score an A (more than 80 marks) for English Studies. That increased my anxiety all right ^_^"
The next week, I checked my marks with Miss Pat, who had the list of all our marks. Imagine my surprise and joy when I found out that I was the one who got an A for ES :p and this made me the only one in my cohort to achieve a 4 flat grade, as my marks are as follows:
English Studies: 82
Social Studies: 87
Language Development: 89
Language Description: 96
The last one was totally unexpected, as I finished the paper in about 30 minutes and was quite lazy to check my answers :3 Anyway, I consider myself lucky rather than intelligent to get these marks :D Hopefully being in the Student Council won't affect my marks too much~
Lastly, I'm now rallying to form a Music Society in IPBA, so that we can have legal reason to use the instruments in the music room - not just any music room, but TN SYED's MUSIC ROOM!!! :p Please support me, pals~
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