Tuesday, February 23, 2010


The title, literally translated, would be 'young people who don't know the real meaning of sorrow and pain, but they force themselves to be sorrowful and melancholy for the sake of creating new poetry'. In simpler words, it's phrase aimed to mock people, especially young ones who like to act sorrowful and depressed just because they think it's cool.

Being the normally happy-go-lucky person I am, sometimes with a serious 'I-don't-give-a-flying-****' attitude, I really can't bring myself to act depressed, melancholic and sad when I am not. No, not even if I want to create lyrics for a song.

For one, I believe that there are countless people who are suffering out there, with or without our knowledge. Think of people who are living in war-ridden areas, who don't know when they are going to die in cross-fire. Think of people who are so poor that they don't know when they are going to get their next bowl of rice. Think of children with no parents to care for them, or the elderly left lonely and abandoned in an old folks' home. Think of people who have lost their loved ones to natural disasters, diseases and other reasons.

Then, think of yourself. If you are young, healthy and alive, with a roof over your head and your friends and family are around you, what gives you the right to act as though tomorrow's the day you are dying. Even for optimistic people, if they know that they will die the next day, they will spend today doing everything they want to instead of moping around like a sick person.

What if you lost your mobile phone? What if you caught your boyfriend cheating on you? What if you can't afford the dress you have eyed for three months, and somebody else bought it? What if today, you confessed to your crush and got rejected? Things like these are just minor losses or disappointments in your life compared to what other people in this world might have to suffer. So, stop feeding yourself and other people that nonsense that you want to commit suicide just because you broke up with your girlfriend/boyfriend, or because he did not message you for three days, or something equally ridiculous.

People who do that either have a serious mental problem, or they are pure attention-seekers. Anyhow, they are useless morons.

Instead of whining and complaining and getting on the nerves of people around you, do something more beneficial with your time. Or, if you are really desperate to have someone listen to your 'sad stories', write it in lyrics and put it in a song, like Simple Plan, Greenday and a whole load of artists out there. A word of warning though - if it's not meaningful enough, people won't want to listen.


rushdan said...

wow...... im sure half of the world will go againts u bcoz of this post xP

yukina-rei said...

Lol, Rushdan-why is that so?

rushdan said...

coz half of the world jz luv doing wat u wrote abt.... being lame... xD

yukina-rei said...

Lol~ That's their problem then x)